Digital Scrapbooking - Why You Should Try It

1 Saves time

As in all things digital, there are many ways to scrapbooking digitally saves you time.

If you're really lazy or think you can even combine two elements without messing something up, you can buy pre-made pages with spaces for your photos and journaling and just drag and drop images on the page.

Print a picture before you put them in your scrapbook pages is no longer necessary. Just download digital camera images to a computer.

do not need to spend hours going from one shop to another looking for the right color paper to go with my daughters Easter dress. Shopping Web faster, or you can make your own work. It also eliminates those unwanted 2-year-old tantrums in the work of a local grocery store.

Everyone I spoke with that has made the transition to digital television say that you love how quickly they can finish the page.

2 Saves space

for some traditional Scrappers, the idea was whoever dies with the most wins aids. Set aside regular corner, bedroom, basement or annex for supplies was a way to beat your spouse in your game collection tools.

just the physical space needed for digital scrapbooking for your computer, scanner and pisač.Drugim "space" condition is the size of your hard disk on your computer. Digitized image does not take a lot of megabytes of disk space, but have you seen the price of hard drives lately? You can get a 500 gigabyte drive (that's 512,000 megabytes) for under $ 100 these days.

Many digital Scrappers also like the fact that printed digital scrapbooks are just like any other book. No bulky pages filled with buttons and ribbons.

3 Clean and tidy

This is a natural result of number 2 With all their supplies on a computer, there is no need to physically sort through all the shots, paper, ribbons or other decorations you may have lying around. No worries about leaving part of the project done and sitting where junior can spill soda on it or the dog eats. There is no need to supply the dining table only to have them much later, so you can serve dinner. Just be sure to click Save and not leave the computer screen where someone accidentally delete your work.

Another benefit to this, you will find more opportunities to work on your site, without worrying about the time and hassle of setting up before and after cleaning.

4 Saves money

Let's assume that you already own a computer. Cost of software such as Adobe Photoshop Elements is $ 75 -. $ 100

digital scrapbook kits usually go for about $ 5.00 to $ 7.00 and have a lot of paper and decorations uključeni.Ekvivalent in physical work and decoration costs $ 20 to $ 35 and "consumables", which means once use them, they're gone. Digital kits can be used more and more to your heart's content.

Once you learn how to use your digital scrapbooking software, it is not hard to make your own material, if you feel adventurous.

Oh, and saves a lot of gas money too, because there is no need to spend time going from one shop to another looking for the right color paper to go with my daughters Easter dress.

5 Trash Proof

This, of course, followed by the number 4 because it can literally re-use any digital scrapbook elements as many times as you want. No more buying extra paper to avoid running out of a particular pattern or color. No more stacks of paper holding the rest of the notes. Pictures from the beginning of each new project with a complete new scrapbook kit. With digital scrapbooking, you can.

6 Error Proof

the most precious items in their photo albums. So why take the chance of them butchering scissors. With digital scrapbooking, there are no worries about ruining the only photos that you have the Great, Great Grandpa. Scanning photos and make as many copies as you need. Resize and crop as many times as you want. I do not like? Back up a few steps with the Undo function, or start from scratch.

all place the label on the page and not quite like it? Oh well, it's stuck on the page now. Digital scrapbooking allows you to experiment with a variety of possible combinations until you get it just the way you want.

7 Photo Manipulation

Restoring vintage photos to make them look like new. Take a current photo and purposely watched them age. Remove red-eye in the otherwise perfectly candid shots. Get rid of unsightly facial blemishes (the proverbial pimple in Prom portrait), or too much sweat you face to shine. Crop, enlarge, color, age - there are so many options to make your pictures even more attractive, you'll be absolutely amazed. Photos that you thought were hopeless are given new life.

8 Easier to share

All to create a scrapbook page just to double back to the mother? Not anymore. Besides being the second time saver, digital albums can be shared so easily in so many ways. Printing multiple copies of your completed book to share with family. Upload pages to your family blog. SITE relatives wherever they live. Use the same digital template for more photos. Get the idea?

9 Archival quality

Remember when everything had to be acid free? First, the paper, then list the protectors, inks, adhesives. Then came all the decorations. Are they acid free too? Wait a sec ... With digital scrapbooking, everything is acid free because there is no ink or adhesive to mix with your photos. Everything is preserved digitally or on your computer hard disk or on CD or DVD. Print as many copies as you need as often as you like. Not only is it the archive, but having extra copies of your digital photos or fireproof safe or other physical location is the best way to ensure against their memories of being destroyed by a disaster such as fire.

10 Unlimited Styles

With traditional scrapbooking, you are limited to any paper that you can find in your local store or on the web. Even then, you may find a pattern you like, but sometimes color is not quite right.

is not a problem in digital scrapbooking. It is so easy to customize the color of paper from one color to another, so you can always connect daughters Easter dress perfectly.

11 Trendiest

scrapbook paper manufacturers use designers to create a new product line. Then decide which designs go into production. From there, some customers decide how many lines to carry in their stores. By the time you get around to shopping, you're lucky if the product is in stock and the right color.

Digital Paper is not limited by any of the above. There are a multitude of online purveyors of digital scrapbook kits and no waiting for product to hit the store. New designers are not required to have large companies behind them sell their designs. You can get the trendiest designs and they are certainly still be in stock.

12 Everyone seems Professional

So what if your handwriting looks as bad as a doctor's prescription. This is what computer fonts for ... to make you look like a professional calligrapher. But the best part is, there is no obligation, so if the misspelled word in the journaling, you're free to go straighten without damaging your layout. Cropped photos are always perfect and the edges of the text is always straight. Using a computer for scrapbooking brings the real artist in yourself when you do not have to worry about making mistakes.

13 Flexibility

Try this exercise: Take a piece of paper and attach a sample photo. Now add some ribbon and some journaling. Now go back to the pattern paper and change it to a different style to see if it will look better. I can not do it? Can you do it digitally. That's what coats are for. It's like making a big Dagwood sandwich and decide you want to enjoy instead of cucumber sandwiches, but after it was built. With layers, you can change any element on the page at any time.

14 Professionalism

Of course we like homemade stuff, but if we can make it look professional, it makes us more proud we created it. Send your digital albums for printers like Viovio to be professionally printed and bound. Then show everyone that you're really talented.

15 Versatility

Take any design you want and turn it into just about anything you want. Change the opacity to look like parchment. Tweak the colors add a bit more blue or red. Increase the color saturation or reduce it. Change it to something you want.

16 Endless supplies

Never, never run out of the letter "S" when using a set of stickers again. I always have the right size, color and style. With digital scrapbooking, never run out of stock again.

And who knows, maybe you'll start designing your line of work.

17 Easy to assembly

No more hammering eyelets! No more students in the oak dining table. Enough said.

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